From North to South.

From North to South.

8.500 kilometers of fiber-optic network
for your convenience.

A network covering the whole of Germany


The construction of large-scale pipelines by SEFE Energy started in 1991. It all began with the construction of STEGAL (Sachsen-Thüringen-Erdgas-AnbindungsLeitung – Saxony-Thuringia natural gas pipeline). The copper cabling traditionally laid along the pipeline for measuring and control purposes was replaced with fiber-optic cabling to keep abreast with the latest developments in technology. The cables were used to connect the valve, customer, and compressor stations to the dispatching center in Kassel. In the beginning, eight-core fiber-optic cables were laid alongside the STEGAL pipeline and the subsequently built MIDAL pipeline.

With the deregulation of the telecommunications market in 1996, we established the marketing of fiber-optic capacity as a new line of business. Over the next few years, WINGAS invested heavily in the cable network and in sites to accommodate the system technology. The "old" cables which only contained a few fibers were gradually replaced with 144-core cables. We have since been offering the free capacity – known as "dark fiber" – to our customers on a lease basis. WINGAS was therefore one of the pioneers on the German market for fiber-optics.

All major cities and economic regions are covered

Our state-of-the-art fiber-optic network currently covers the whole of Germany with over 3,000 km of our own cables. In addition, we have permanent access to a further 4,000 or so km of fiber-optic cables belonging to cooperation partners. We therefore cover all major cities and key economic regions.

In addition, we work with a growing number of local and regional network operators – this means you can set up almost any network structures or link up rural areas in the vicinity of our high-speed cables to the fiber-optic network. And best of all: You only have to deal with one contact partner, as we offer you real "one stop shopping" – you can therefore obtain your entire solution from a single source.

We are represented at the most important POPs (points of presence), where we can transfer data to other networks or other carriers in a large number of German cities, including Hamburg, Hanover, Berlin, Leipzig, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Frankfurt am Main, and Munich, and we obviously also have a presence on DE-CIX, the central German internet exchange in Frankfurt. Our international customers are testament to the fact that our team is happy to keep providing you with assistance if your project extends into other European countries.

Highest security thanks to proximity to pipeline

The level of availability of our services far exceeds the standard levels offered in the sector: As our fiber-optic cables run alongside the pipes under cover of the gas pipelines, they enjoy an exceptionally high level of protection against mechanical intervention (for instance due to digging works). We also arrange regular helicopter flights over the pipeline routes, to monitor the routes and detect any possible problems in advance. As a result, the level of availability of our fiber-optic network is an impressive 99.99%.

We have been leasing the free transmission capacity of our fiber-optic cables – technically known as dark or unlit fiber – to our customers since 1996, including mobile telephony providers, cable network operators, computer centre operators, and other commercial customers.

Many regions in Germany are not yet linked up to the national high-speed networks – the major telecom providers have little interest in rural areas outside of cities and towns.

We always keep an eye on our network: The Pipeline Dispatching Centre monitors not just the pipelines – staff in Kassel work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to ensure that data as well as gas can continue to flow without interruption.