One of the most secure fiber-optic networks in Germany.

One of the most secure fiber-optic networks in Germany.

High-speed internet. Broadband. Dark fiber.


fiberdays24 – the digital and fibre optic trade fair

Date: 27.-28. February 2024

Event location: RheinMain CongressCenter Wiesbaden


SEFE will once again be represented with its own booth at fiberdays24. Meet Thomas Böhlert, Christian Uhlemann, Oliver Marker, Dietmar Schlüter and Daniel Michel at our booth.


Here you can find the hall plan- the SEFE booth is located in Hall South, booth numberV6.


The leading trade fair for fibre optic expansion covering all aspects of digitalisation, digital infrastructure and fibre optic expansion. The German Broadband Association (BREKO) presents the trade fair and congress event for the telecommunications and digital industry once a year in the halls of the RheinMain CongressCentre in Wiesbaden.


Further information and the agenda can be found here.

Your contact person

Britta Jäger-Ernst
Königstor 20
34117 Kassel
Phone.: +49 (0) 561 99858-1446

E-Mail: britta.jaeger-ernst[at]